Customer Guide: What to Expect During an Artonic Photo Shoot | Artonic
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Customer Guide: What to Expect During an Artonic Photo Shoot

Are you thinking about hiring a photographer for a professional photo shoot for your business? If you are, wonderful! If you are not, you should be. Having high quality photos of your business communicates to your clients that you are high quality as well. Artonic has a dream team, with a photographer that takes beautiful photographs. Our most recent photo shoot was at Chaloner’s Cigar House in Adrian, Michigan. Here is what to expect on an Artonic photo shoot.

Before the Photo Shoot

The first step to having your very own professional photos is to give us a call! Contact Artonic, and we will discuss a budget and all the details with you. We will decide what day and time will work best for the both of us, and we will talk about your vision. Do you want photos of your whole space, employee head shots, or photos for a specific project? We can do it all. Chaloner’s Cigar House contacted us asking for a photo shoot for a billboard design. After talking it through, we decided to photograph a female hand wearing a ring, holding a martini glass with a cigar burning in the background. If your vision isn’t this clear, that’s alright! Our team will work with you to form it.

Here is who you will meet at the photo shoot!

Who Will Be There?


This is Ashlee, our photographer, videographer, and graphic designer extraordinaire. She will be taking the photos and editing them to perfection.


This is me, Maddie, graphic design intern. I have an interest in photography, so I like to tag along on photo shoots and help in any way I can. It has been a great experience working with the team.

Photo Shoot Day!

Here is what you should expect on the day of the photo shoot.


We will meet you at the previously discussed location and time. The team will introduce themselves and will go over your vision with you once again, this way we will be on the same page.


Then, we will begin setting up equipment. We will ask you what area of the location you want shown in the photographs. At the Chaloner’s Cigar House photo shoot, they wanted a table and the old brick wall shown in the background. The photo shoot doesn’t have to be just in one place, we would be glad to capture your whole space. Take a look at some pictures from previous photo shoots at Chaloner’s Cigar House.


Ashlee has all the equipment you need to get the perfect shot. Tripods, lights, reflectors, flashes, and lenses are all tools she carries around with her. We will store these out of the way near where we are shooting. During the Chaloner’s Cigar House shoot, we used multiple flashes for additional lighting, and diffusing material.


If we are shooting during business hours, we will be sneaky and stay out of the customers’ way. If you would like your customers in the shot, we will need their permission through a model release form. It all depends on the kind of shots you are looking for. People like seeing pictures of other people, so including your customers in the photos is a good idea. Make sure to tell your models what to wear and how to prepare for the day of the photo shoot.


Before shooting, we want the surfaces appearing in the photographs to be wiped down. For the billboard shoot, we made sure the table was dust free, along with the ash tray. Make sure everything is how you want it to appear in photographs.


If you want more staged photos, like the billboard photographs, we will ask you what items you want to appear in the shot. Chaloner’s Cigar house wanted a hand, martini, and cigar in an ash tray included. The bartender prepared two different martinis for the shot. Have these items ready and on hand.


We will experiment. You will have plenty of different shots to pick from. This could be different lighting, different angles, or different objects. During the photo shoot for Chaloner’s, we tried different flashes and gels to achieve different looks. Ashlee shot from a straight angle, a bird’s eye view, and a long shot. If you see her sitting on the windowsill or standing on a chair, don’t worry. It is all apart of the process. We also try shooting different objects in different ways. We used two different martinis, holding the glass in different positions. Sometimes one hand was in the shot and other times two. Some images include a bar napkin under the glass and others don’t. Eventually we tried shooting on a different table. Experimenting in this way usually ends in an AH HA! moment where you find the perfect shot.


We will show you pictures as we go to ensure we are capturing your vision. Communication and feedback are key to achieving what you want for your business. This is where you can tell us what is working for you and what isn’t working. We will then work together to make the perfect shot.


There may be some unexpected moments or last-minute changes. Don’t worry! This is the process.


You will hear us brainstorming as a team. You can be included as well! Throwing ideas around is a great way to get some interesting shots.


Time on site for your photo shoot can change depending on the nature of the shoot. They can range from a few hours to multiple days. So, have a generous time slot reserved for us!


Have any questions or comments? Don’t be afraid to ask! We are here to help. We may ask you questions as well!

So, there you have it! Now you know what to expect during an Artonic photo shoot! Have questions? Contact Artonic at [email protected] or 517-902-7851.